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Mabeg Inspection System products are designed for all print sectors that require 100% inspection and 100% quality, including pharmaceutical and high-end cosmetics carton suppliers, and security printers.
In far too many instances the checking of printed sheets is still being carried out by human eye – a slow, expensive, and far less precise solution.
The Mabeg automatic sheet inspection system checks and sorts printed sheets much more thoroughly and significantly faster than the human eye, and without any additional costs for personnel.
Due to the specific needs of these specialist market sectors, two different models with unique customisation modules are available:
Call Murray Lock, Director
on 00 44 (0) 7860 593644
The MABEG RS reel sheeter (cross cutter) enables the use of sheet-fed printing presses for the processing of paper web, which is often far less expensive and easier to process than sheets. The web is cut into pieces of exactly the right length, thus preventing waste and in turn saving both resources and money. In addition to the financial benefit of using cost-efficient web, it is now unimaginable to do without reel sheeters when processing plastic film or lightweight paper.
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